
At MAV Aerospace, our commitment to quality is unwavering. We strive for aviation excellence through meticulous attention to detail, rigorous standards, and continuous improvement. Our Quality Assurance (QA) program is the cornerstone of our operations, ensuring that every product and service we deliver meets the highest standards of safety, reliability, and performance.

Certification and Accreditation

ISO 9001:2015

This certification ensures that MAV Aerospace adheres to international standards for quality management systems, focusing on consistent product quality, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement.


ASA-100 Certification is a quality assurance credential awarded to aviation suppliers who meet the standards set by the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA).

FAA Part 145

Our FAA Part 145 certification authorizes MAV Aerospace to operate as an approved repair station, ensuring that all maintenance, repair, and overhaul activities meet the highest standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration.

EASA Part 21

EASA Part 21 certification endorses our capabilities in aircraft design and production, confirming our compliance with the European Aviation Safety Agency's rigorous standards for safety and quality.

EASA Part 145

This certification allows MAV Aerospace to perform maintenance and repair services on aircraft and components in compliance with EASA regulations, ensuring safety and reliability.


NADCAP accreditation recognizes our excellence in special processes such as welding, heat treating, and chemical processing, critical for maintaining the highest quality in aerospace manufacturing.

ASA-100 Certified

We take great pride in delivering the highest quality products, with an emphasis on meeting some of the world’s most rigorous standards for safety and quality control. This attention to detail has earned us ASA-100 accreditation.


ASA-100 Certification is a quality assurance credential awarded to aviation suppliers who meet the standards set by the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA).

Our Quality Commitment

Safety First

Safety is our top priority. We adhere to the strictest safety regulations and protocols to ensure that our products and services protect both passengers and crew.

Regulatory Compliance

We believe in continuous improvement. Through regular audits, employee training, and feedback loops, we continuously enhance our processes to achieve higher levels of quality and efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction

Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is central to our quality policy. We engage with our customers to understand their needs and tailor our solutions to meet these requirements effectively.

Our QA process encompasses several key areas:

Material Control

MAV Aerospace ensure that all parts are adequately protected against the environment and damage by being properly wrapped, packaged, boxed as needed to meet the necessary quality standards and regulatory mandates


We are committed to ensuring that parts are shipped with the utmost care and attention to detail, adhering to industry best practices and regulations to guarantee their safe arrival and integrity.

Training and Qualification

We ensure that our personnel are well-trained, qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable, and up to date with all relevant regulations to effectively fulfil their duties.

Quality Commitment

Our QA process encompasses several key areas:

Manufacturing Excellence


Supply Chain Management


Maintenance and Support


Our Quality Commitment

We invest in our people. Continuous training and development programs ensure that our team is equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to uphold our quality standards. Our training programs include:

  • Regular Workshops: Conducting regular workshops and seminars on quality management and industry best practices.
  • Certification Programs: Encouraging employees to pursue relevant certifications to enhance their expertise.
  • On-the-Job Training: Providing hands-on training to reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical application.